After the launch of the buildings, open booster, collection and staking systems, we will start the PvE phase of the game. PvE will be a simplified type of farm, where players will have to breakthrough challenges with the cards they have in order to get the rewards.

We are already at the development phase of PvE, with some screens and information so you guys can have a little taste of it!

As we advance in the development of the project in general, we decided that the first phase of the PvE would be the Markevian Expeditions, in the future we plan to release an story driven narrative, where players will be able to progress through the lore, using their own or borrowed cards. In this first phase, players will be able to send their cards on various missions (dailies/weeklies), each mission will require different fullfilments.

A button through the left main menu will be available, close to your collection, where the expeditions will be available. The screen above shows how will be the interface with the Expedition that is available to be played.

On a detailed view of the expedition players will be able to see the slots where the cards will be allocated, and each card necessary to perform the mission with success.

For now this is the progress for the PvE of the Dracards Metaverse. As soon as more updates are available we'll keep everyone informed through our social medias and with updates on our whitepaper.

Last updated